Video widget for your portfolio

Clone this project and use the video widget to convert more visitors into clients or get hired for your dream job!


Upload your video intro to Wistia

After filming your video intro. Create a Wistia account and upload your video as a new project.

Link to

Clone this project

Clone this project to get a copy in your Webflow dashboard. Then you can begin to customise your video widget.

Clone it here

Add Wistia code to Webflow embed

In Wistia, click 'Embed and Share' button. Copy the code from the 'Popover' Embed' tab.

Paste your 'Popver' code into the HTML embed in the Widget wrapper. (See image above)

Change the default height in the code from 84px to 124px. (See image above)


Upload a 5 second background video

Edit a 5 second clip of your video, compress it, then upload it to the background video inside the widget.

This is the background video the user sees inside the small bubble.


Add your brand colours

Update the border colour on the 'Widget wrapper' element to your brand colour.


Copy the Widget wrapper into portfolio

Lastly, select the Widget wrapper element and copy it. Navigate to your webflow portfolio website and paste it into the body.

All done!

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